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(PAID) Street Store Vancouver 9.0 Project Lead

Starting Date April 1, 2022 – Dec 31 2022

Organization Overview

Employ to Empower (ETE) supports residents in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (DTES) community by providing access to development and entrepreneurial resources. Our resources include affordable micro-loans and business mentorship, with the goal of having a long-term impact on our members’ personal and economic well being. We also actively advocate for creating positive social change in the DTES.

Every year in December, we host The Vancouver Street Store, a free, out door, one-day pop-up clothing store that offers a dignified shopping experience to residents in the Downtown Eastside.

The Vancouver Street Store is a free pop-up clothing store for residents in the Downtown Eastside, facilitated by Employ to Empower with its partners every December. The goal of this event at Columbia and East Hastings is to provide a dignified shopping experience, where residents are uplifted and offered a hand up rather than a hand out. Since the Street Store was founded in 2014, we’ve worked with 800+ volunteers, received 75,500+ donations and impacted 8000+ residents

Position Description

Title Description: Street Store Vancouver 9.0 Project Lead
Reporting To: Christina Wong, Executive Director
Location: Virtual and in person
Desired Start Date: April 1, 2022 – Dec 31 2022
Commitment: 12 months with the possibility of extending the term
Position Type: Part Time Contractor 240 @ $25/hr = $6000
Requirements: Must have a vehicle

Position Summary

– With Street Store being our core fundraising for Employ to Empower, you will be responsible for the following aspects of the event:

1) Project Management
-Ensure all moving pieces of the event are taken care of

2) Sponsorship
– Creating email templates to reach out to potential monetary and/or in-kind donors, volunteers and ETE stakeholders

3) Event Planning
– Leading volunteers and flow of event on the day of
– Recruiting, interviewing, and managing volunteers
– Securing venue and arrange all equipment needed for a successful event

4) Event Logistics
– Picking up in-kind items
– Writing and dropping off thank you cards
– Sorting post-event photos to sponsors and partners

5) Volunteer Coordination, Scheduling and Training
Schedule and support volunteers who are donating, sorting clothes and/or volunteering on the day of the event
– Create materials for training and run the training session

6) Impact Metrics
– Write post event impact metric reports

7) Team Leadership
– Work directly with 1-2 volunteers who can support with carrying out the roles below

Application Procedure

Click on the “Apply Now” button